Open Real Estate

The Town utilizes property assessments provided by Prince William County. The enclosed data set and corresponding visualizations include real estate parcels located within the Town of Dumfries.

This pie chart contains real estate parcels and the sum of taxes collected. You can view parcel description on the right side of the chart. You can also hover over each section for more information. 
Here is a breakdown of top 10 highest property market land values by address located in Town of Dumfries. We have included a yearly comparison to evaluate value of investments overtime. 
To view each year, click 'legend' icon on bottom right. You can also hover over the bar chart to see address, market land value, and year. 

This graph visualizes the top 10 largest properties in acres by property address. You can also hover over the bar chart to see address and acres.

This bar chart visualizes the top 10 buildings with highest building value by property address and year.
To view each year, click 'legend' icon on bottom right. You can also hover over the bar chart to see the year, address and building value.