Town of Dumfries Capital Improvement Plan

A Capital Improvement Plan is a planning tool for public facilities, infrastructure improvements, major maintenance requirements, and land acquisition. It is a listing of capital items that the locality anticipates undertaking within the next five (5) years. A capital item is any tangible asset or project with a total cost of $25,000 or more and a useful life of at least five (5) years.
Annual preparation of five-year Capital Improvement Plan:
Items listed are reviewed for adequate reference and support of  priorities in the town's Comprehensive Plan. Proposed listing is reviewed by chief administrative officer and governing body in preparation for the town's annual capital budget season. The CIP helps to ensure projects are within fiscal reach for the Town.
Adopted Capital Improvement Plan:
Adopted Capital Improvement Plan will include a listing of major capital improvements the town will undertake within the next five (5) years. Listings will identify estimated revenue sources and annual operational costs for facilities and anticipated debt service requirements.

Explore Data on Projects 

Track the status of projects listed on the current Capital Improvement Plan. Current progress indicators report a proposed, active, or completed status. 
  • Proposed projects (yellow): have been adopted in the current fiscal year's capital budget, but construction/development has yet to begin. 
  • Active projects (red): currently undergoing development.
  • Complete projects (blue): current fiscal year capital funding has been exhausted, and development has been completed.
Explore Projects listed in Capital Improvement Plan by location
The map illustrates approximate location of projects listed in Town of Dumfries Capital Improvement Plan. Click on map legend found at the bottom right or hover over color coded dots to identify project name. To identify project address and other details, click on 'view source data'.
The Town’s CIP serves as a planning guide for expenditures toward capital infrastructure. It helps develop large-scale projects for which costs exceed the amount typically available in the annual budgeting process. The CIP helps to ensure projects are within fiscal reach for the Town.
Benefits of the Capital Improvement Plan include:
•Fostering a sound, stable financial program for a five-year period given set revenue and expenditure assumptions based on current economic trends. Coordinating various town improvements so that informed decisions can be made, and joint programs initiated among town departments to avoid duplication.
•Enabling private businesses and citizens to have some assurances as to when certain public improvements will be undertaken so they can plan more efficiently and effectively.
•Assisting in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan over an extended period of time.
•Focusing on the goals and needs of the community through the provision of new facilities and infrastructure improvements.
•Evaluating the Town's infrastructure needs annually to provide for the public health and safety of the citizens.
•Providing a logical process for assigning priorities to the various projects based on their overall importance to the Town.
To find detailed information on the current Capital Improvement Plan, visit the town's budget page