Town of Dumfries Demographics
As of April 1st, 2020, Town of Dumfries is home to a total population of 5,679 residents. This page further breaks down demographics with visualizations to depict the socio-economic diversity of the Town.
*All facts and figures come from US Census Bureau and American Community Survey Data.
Have fun! No seriously, have fun!
Note: The collection of facts from the images come from the 2020 U.S. Census.

Race Demographics

The Town of Dumfries is home to a large number of Hispanic or Latinos and has a significant African American community presence. 
There is also a reported 23.90% foreign born persons living in the Town. 

Sex/Age Demographics

According to last US Census, 54.7% of population is female and 45.3% is male. Below you will find a population break down by age range.
For Age and Sex Demographics, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in the survey results. For example, the population of men 85 years old and over is twenty-nine, but with a margin of error the actual number could give or take by forty-one.
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey

Education Demographics

For Educational Attainment, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in the survey results. For example, the percentage of people with a Bachelor's Degree is 14.7%, but with a margin of error it could give or take by 5.4% 
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey


For Employment by Occupation, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in survey results. For example, the number or people working service occupations is is 598, but margin or error the number could give/take by 178. 
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey
For Employment by Industry, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in survey results. For example, the number of people working in public administration is 12.7% but with a margin of error the percentage could give/take by 9.5%. 
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey


For Household Income, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in survey results. For example, the median income for nonfamily households is $50,962  but with a margin of error the amount could give/take by$24,480. 
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey


For Types of Disabilities, the margin of error is a permissible degree of sample error in survey results. For example, the percentage of people with hearing difficulty is 1.2% but with a margin of error the percentage can give/take by 0.9%.
You can turn on/off the the margin of error on the bottom left of the graph. This is directly sourced from the American Community Survey.

Digital Inclusivity

Town of Dumfries is actively working to close digital equity gaps. We have a percentage of the population that lacks broadband access mainly attributed to rising costs of service. The Town is also actively working to build inclusivity with computer access and digital literacy programs.