This data set includes all active business license information found registered in the Town of Dumfries as of April 1, 2022. This data will be updated yearly in April.
This data contains information about all the business firms in the Town of Dumfries. This including men-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and minority-owned businesses. This data comes from the most recent U.S. Census provided by the United States Census Bureau. Data will be updated accordingly with the schedule of the U.S Census.
This data assesses gender demographics of persons living in the Town of Dumfries. This data comes from the most recent U.S. Census provided by the United States Census Bureau. Data will be updated accordingly with the schedule of the U.S Census.
This data set calculates the Town’s education level by a percentage of persons over the age of 25 with a high school degree or higher and/or those with a bachelor's degree or higher. This data comes from the most recent U.S. Census provided by the United States Census Bureau. Data will be updated accordingly with the schedule of the U.S Census.
Capital Improvement Projects are based on the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY2023-2027. These projects are for public facilities, infrastructure improvements, major maintenance requirements, and acquisition of land.
This data set assesses racial demographic in the Town of Dumfries by percentage over the total population. This data comes from the most recent U.S. Census provided by the United States Census Bureau. Data will be updated accordingly with the schedule of the U.S Census.